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Should You Stay or Should You Go? How to Deal with Relationship Ambivalence
Time to ask yourself some tough questions. (All links are affiliate.) Well before I found drugs in my house, well before I found...
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Why You Attract Unhealthy People—And How to Stop
“Water seeks its own level.” My first boyfriend was skeletal with strawberry blond hair to his shoulders. He liked going to raves and...
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The 4 Phases Every Relationship Goes Through
Every couple goes through these phases again and again — not necessarily in order. In less than two weeks, my husband and I will be...
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Relationship Imposter Syndrome is a Thing and It Sucks
The #1 sign you may have it is if you wonder why your partner even likes you. When I first started dating my now husband, I struggled...
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Why Do Some Couples Become Codependent?
It says a lot about both people in the relationship, you'll find. My ex-husband and I didn’t start out as codependent. We were both...
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How to Speak Words of Affirmation to Your Partner
If your partner’s love language is Words of Affirmation, here are meaningful ways to express how you feel. When my partner and I first...
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Do You and Your Partner Need to Have the Same Love Language?
It would help, but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll “understand” one another, so you’ll still need to put work in. My partner is my superfan....
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If You Want Better Relationships, Stop Being a People-Pleaser
People-pleasing is about manipulation and deception, and it’s not healthy in any relationship. Last year, I went on a ten-day work trip...
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This Is the Quickest Way to Kill Your Loving Relationship
It may seem small, but it's not. “You never listen!” I found myself whisper-yelling at my husband in an IKEA parking lot so our daughter...
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How to Evaluate If Your Relationship Is Successful
According to science. My husband and I are what previous partners have called, “difficult.” My ex would tell you that I’m...
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5 Toxic Relationship Habits People Think Are Healthy
Society isn’t always the best measure of what’s “healthy” in a relationship. I started most relationships in my early 20s with a dizzying...
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5 Ways Texting Can Actually Improve Your Relationship
If you have proper boundaries around it, it can be a tool that can help, instead of hurt, your relationship. Before this pandemic, my...
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When You Struggle Over Who Your Partner Dated in the Past
And what you can do about it. The man who is now my husband has a type, one he’s rarely strayed from, except, actually, for me. When we...
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When Your Partner Cheats On You...Financially
It can seem worse than if they'd cheated with another person. When I was married to my ex-husband, every couple of months he would pull...
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Why It’s So Hard to Leave an Unhappy Relationship
It’s all about how much time, effort, and resources you’ve already invested. I bought a dress for work from a well-known designer brand....
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Are You Love Avoidant? The Top 7 Signs You Are
It’s not that you don’t want to love or be loved; It’s just that you don’t want to be disappointed. After breaking up with a long-term...
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The 5 Sexiest Things Men Can Do for a Woman
…that aren’t “learn how to dance like Magic Mike.” Some days, I entirely believe my husband should win a “Sexiest Spouse of the Year”...
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The 3 Traits of Every Healthy Relationship
If your relationship is lacking any of them, it’s unhealthy. Sometime before or after my first husband and I married, he broke our dining...
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How to Have More Sex
For any couple, at any stage. It seems that the more modern we become, the less primal we want to get between the sheets. In a study...
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6 Easy Ways to Show a Woman You Love Her
If you love your partner, doing these little things can make a huge difference. Many studies, such as this one, have concluded that how...
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